Có phải bạn đang tìm Báo Cáo Thực Tập Trở Giảng Tại Trung Tâm Tiếng Anh? Thế thì bài viết sau đây mình sẽ giới thiệu đến cho các bạn sinh viên bài báo cáo thực tập trợ giảng tại trung tâm tiếng anh hoàn toàn xuất sắc chẳng những thế lại còn đạt được điểm cao nữa cơ. Nội dung mình đã tiến hành triển khai như là giới thiệu, nội dung liên kết và cuối cùng là kết quả học bổng tại trung tâm tiếng anh… Hy vọng nguồn tài liệu mình sắp chia sẻ dưới đây sẽ cung cấp được cho các bạn thêm thông tin cũng như kiến thức để các bạn có thể nhanh chóng hoàn thiện bài báo cáo thực tập của mình. Nếu như nguồn tài liệu mình triển khai dưới đây không đủ đáp ứng nhu cầu của bạn, thì không sao cả, vì hiện tại bên mình hiện tại có nhận viết báo cáo thực tập nên mọi vấn đề bạn đang gặp rắc rối trong quá trình làm bài báo cáo thì hãy tìm đến nhận viết báo cáo thực tập thuê của chúng tôi qua zalo/telegram : 0973.287.149 để được hỗ trợ tư vấn báo giá nhanh chóng nhé.
- Descriptions of intern facility
Primary characteristics:
- Headquarter: American Language Community
- Address: No. 504 Hung Vuong Street – Ward 3 – Tan An City – Long An Province.
- Phone: 0898431898; 0899857898.
- English transaction name: New generation Foreign Language Center
- Center type: Private
- Area used for center operations: 225,6 m2
XEM THỂM : Viết Báo Cáo Thực Tập Bằng Tiếng Anh Giá Rẻ
Functions and tasks of the school
- Báo Cáo Thực Tập Trở Giảng Tại Trung Tâm Tiếng Anh establish educational researches, experience experiences of teaching, enhance and promote the program in schools, consider and rewards for individuals who have best achievements to suggest awarding experiences to honours rewards for teachers who earn merits in their education lives and local environment
- Supervise the compliance with laws regarding education, implementation of educational contents, educational methodology, implementation of specialization regulations of school’s personnel., etc
- Assign to build an educational relationnship among school – home – societies. The school has responsible for cooperating with family and society to implement educational principles and reach a consensus on points of view, contents, methodology regarding education relationship between School – Home – Societies. It should cooperate all components all society to care for education, construct learning programs and “healthy” education environment – contribute to “socialize” education.
- Purposes and expectations in the internship:
2.1. Purposes
- Báo Cáo Thực Tập Trở Giảng Tại Trung Tâm Tiếng Anh experience the real working environment.
- Apply pedagogy knowledge to real work.
- Pick up teaching profession, working conducts and soft skills.
- Practice self-researching skills, document collecting skills, steps by steps bringing knowledge to analyse and resolve real problems.
- Improve perception and responsibilities with current jobs
- Approach and to be familiar with job and specialization
2.2. Expectations from internship:
- Collect pedagogy experiences, teaching experiences as well as situation handling ability in pedagogy environment
- Build up relationships between apprentice and supervisors, apprentice and senior teachers, apprentice and pupils, and apprentice and pupils’ parents
- Construct foundation for future work in pedagogy profession to contribute to education in local area as well as in Vietnam
- Assigned tasks and responsibilities
- Become a teacher, enhance learning perception and disciplines of pupils.
- Teach 04 lessons in
- Submit training drafts three days in advance.
- Submit next-week training plan from teacher’s duties every Saturday.
- Practice listening, speaking, reading and writing in English as well as presentation skill.
- Practice computer skills such as :typing skill, Power Point, Word, Excel.
XEM THÊM : 10 Báo Cáo Thực Tập Tốt Nghiệp Ngôn Ngữ Anh
- Working conditions and methodology
SaiGon American English Center provides lots of opportunities to support teaching practice supplies to other senior teachers and supervisors
Báo Cáo Thực Tập Trở Giảng Tại Trung Tâm Tiếng Anh refer to intern teachers, teaching methodology is supported and consulted by senior lecturer such as assisting in drafting lessons plans, delivering knowledge to pupils, flexible/talent in executing problems, methodologies to being a good class . As a result of lots of supports, intern teachers learned experiences for themselves and are gradually familiar with teaching methodology of school.
- Achievements
- General works
- Assure the internship schedule to be on time
- Understand a real training at school
- Construct a close relationship between interns and pupils, interns and teachers
- Understand pupils’ thoughts to build up teaching experiences
- Apply knowledge learned from universities to real teaching environment
- Learn teaching experiences and classroom management skills of supervisors especially in teaching reading skills
- Works achieved as teacher
- Prepare lessons before have class:
- Lesson 2: JOBS
- Lesson 3: HOBBIES
- Lesson 4: WEATHER
- Lesson 5: VERBS
- Lesson 7: TIME and DATE
- Lesson 9: TYPES of MUSIC and MOVIE
- Lesson 11: HOW MUCH…..do you eat/drink/use/spend…?
Assure the common targets and details objectives during internship.
- Self assessment of teaching performance
In the first two weeks, I attended sample teaching classes of my supervisor. All lessons focused on only English reading skill for students. Through a sample teaching class, I learned experiences for myself to prepare for my next lessons. Drafted and prepared four lesson plans which were reviewed and additionally instructed by my supervisor; it was prepared for next the eight lessons.
Báo Cáo Thực Tập Trở Giảng Tại Trung Tâm Tiếng Anh In the next 4 weeks, I drafted and prepared lessons plans as well vocabulary for students, e-drafts for all lessons as well as practiced teaching before attending classes. I performed nine lessons under assignments of administration board and supervisor. I was assessed by the supervisor as well as received suggestions to correct mistakes after each lesson. During my teaching lessons, I found that students had a lack of experiences in reading English texts. Before each period, I always reminded them of three steps for reading strategy including: scan, skim and in-depth reading. I also provided them new words in order that they could understand the reading texts completely. However, some students were lazy and stubborn, they did not want to read. It was difficult for teachers to get them focus on the reading texts. For these weak students, I let them practice and work in group so that they could improve their reading skills from their classmates. Besides, I also encouraged students to share their ideas about the reading texts so that they could more be excited about the reading lessons.
Moreover, I suggested that students take part in the extensive reading classes so that they could enhance not only their vocabulary but also reading skills. It is very meaningful and sufficient for intern teachers to have the precious chance to discuss and update the appropriate techniques as well as express their perspectives and attitudes towards using extensive reading for further teaching English experiences.
I also attended other lessons of other intern teachers with the same specialization to learn how to teach reading comprehension effectively from them
Being supported and instructed by supervisors through sample teaching classes and attending other intern teaching classes, I have learned lots of experiences, especially information delivering skills, time adjustment and management, and activities organizing in classes.
- Shortcomings
Trở Giảng Tại Trung Tâm Tiếng Anh my teaching was not transferred briefly, easily to understand. The time allocation for each lesson was not appropriate when sometimes I didn’t have much spare time
I still need to improve my presenstation skills and board writing . The majority of intern teachers cannot control all their classes or they stand at one place during teaching.
For reading classes, I still have some problems in guiding and instructing students in their reading process.
Some students were not confident in their English proficiency. They still felt stressed and unconfident when they read. It was confused when choosing suitable materials and controlling time management. Lessons were concentrated primarily on theories instead of making a connection with reality
.Studying in schools is totally different with teaching progress. Therefore, I had some limitations.

- General assessment about internship
I would like to assess my internship progress in the most objective way as follows.
I was assisted by senior teachers and supervisors to experience in real pedagogy environment. I joined teaching activities at school and participated in other school’s activities and Communist Youth, extra- curriculum activities, extensive reading classes and others.
Trở Giảng Tại Trung Tâm Tiếng Anh the working environment at SaiGon American English Center is definitely “healthy”, friendly as well as assures the standard principle in accordance with pedagogy regulations of schools.
After finishing internship at the school, I have collected experiences through intern teaching classes in addition to recognizing my mistakes and weaknesses such as: classroom management which need to be improved
- Explanation, analysis and reasons of achievements and shortcomings
2.1. Achievements
The internship has increased my confidence level and activeness in working. I built up colleague relationship as well as actively researched teaching resources and developed teaching capacity and learnt experiences from working environment. The achievements were contributed by instructions of my supervisors and other senior teachers in my teaching classes at the school.
I understand the important role of teachers who have high responsibilities to educate pupils. Being a class from teacher, an instructor, a knowledge deliverer, the teacher must enhance the teaching ability and soft skills. The teacher should be highly aware of working ethics and must have healthy lifestyles and set a good examble for pupils
In order to be a teacher with good profession, the key to success is the relationship between pupils and teachers. Good results of pupils are mainly driven by high awareness of teachers regarding pupils’ thoughts, wishes and expectations.
2.2. Shortcomings
My teaching skills are not as good as other senior teachers as there was some confusions which occurred in classes. The way of delivering knowledge has not reflected the general, brief and coherent ideas which should have been more easily to understand. The reason is that I need regularly practice teaching profession need practicing and enhancing in the future;
The lack of experience as being a class teacher requires lots of things to be done. The problems include problems handling and pupil management.
There are few limitations in using e-facilities and MS-office softwares such as creating and using power-point slides which are used as common teaching facilities at school.
Bài viết trên đây là toàn bộ Báo Cáo Thực Tập Trở Giảng Tại Trung Tâm Tiếng Anh hấp dẫn và xuất sắc mà mình cũng đã triển khai và liệt kê đến cho các bạn sinh viên cùng xem và tham khảo. Chúc các bạn sinh viên xem được bài này của mình sẽ nhanh chóng hoàn thành được bài báo cáo.Nếu như trong quá trình triển khai trên đây chưa đủ để đáp ứng nhu cầu của bạn thì đừng lo lắng, vì hiện tại bên mình có nhận viết thuê báo cáo thực tậpqua zalo/telegram: 0973.287.149 mọi vấn đề của bạn sẽ được giải quyết trong tích tắc.